
miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024

Boston Dynamics’ new video shows that its humanoid robot doesn’t need a human.

Boston Dynamics’ new video shows that its humanoid robot doesn’t need a human. The company wants everyone to know its new all-electric Atlas robot can function autonomously.

(Source: The Verge - Andrew Liszewski)

Boston Dynamics has shared another look at the latest version of its humanoid robot, Atlas. Earlier videos of the all-electric robot demonstrated its unique range of motions, but this time Atlas is shown using machine learning and its upgraded sensors to perform sorting tasks in a simulated factory environment.

The task of moving engine covers “between supplier containers and a mobile sequencing dolly” isn’t especially exciting, but it demonstrates several of the new robot’s capabilities working together. After being provided with only a “list of bin locations to move parts between,” Atlas uses various sensors and machine learning models to determine the location of bins and how it needs to manipulate its body, arms, and three-fingered hands to grasp and relocate the parts inside them.

As is also evident by the “Fully Autonomous” watermark on the video the entire time, Boston Dynamics is trying to emphasize that its latest humanoid robot can perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention. A few weeks ago it was revealed that Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robots that were mingling with guests and serving drinks during the company’s Cybercab reveal were mostly being controlled remotely by human operators.

As with its other robots like the four-legged Spot and the one-armed Stretch, the new Atlas may one day be more than just a platform for Boston Dynamics to demonstrate its latest and greatest technology. But that’s assuming its advanced capabilities don’t come with an outrageous price tag.

[Cuenta la historia que el histórico líder sindical Walther Reuther se encontraba visitando una de las plantas de fabricación de Ford en 1953 cuando uno de los directivos (no se sabe si era el mismo Henry Ford) ante la vista de la nueva maquinaria que se encargaba ya entonces de la producción en serie de los vehículos le pregunta con sorna al jefe sindical: «¿Cómo vas a conseguir que te paguen la cuota del sindicato?». Ante esto, el aludido no pudo sino replicar con la brillante pregunta: «¿Y tú cómo vas a conseguir que compren un Ford?».]

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