
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024

la IA me ahorra tiempo en algunas tareas, pero eso no significa que trabaje menos

"Soy manager en Microsoft: la IA me ahorra tiempo en algunas tareas, pero eso no significa que trabaje menos"

(Fuente: Business Insider - Ana Altchek)

"My name is Naga Santhosh Reddy Vootukuri. I've worked at Microsoft for close to 14 years and I've been a manager for over a decade. Before ChatGPT came out, I would say 80% of my daily work was spent on coding, and 20% was looking into documentation, writing, brainstorming with my team, and helping junior engineers with various tasks."

"With OpenAI and Microsoft's partnership, we have all the tools we need directly from OpenAI and it's tightly integrated within Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Visual Studio, which is the bread and butter for what developers use to write code in different languages."

"As a developer, AI has significantly improved my efficiency and accuracy. As a manager, my responsibility is to go through my team's code and make sure it's 100% quality-efficient so that I can merge it into main production before we release and deploy it. I used to have to manually look at each and every line change. But with the integration with AI, I would say, 70% of my time has been reduced."

"At Microsoft, we follow a management framework called a Scrum model, and it means we release in sprints. Every two weeks, we target finishing some work items and we try to finish it. Earlier, it could take two or three years for Microsoft to deliver major releases. But with the current model, teams are releasing updates monthly or sometimes even weekly."

"We are living in a competitive world. If Google is releasing something, Microsoft has to counteract it with some other cool feature. So that's why developers are using AI wherever they can to reduce their time, but they are using any time saved for other tasks or other features.
If you work for a product-based company in the software industry, even if you are getting time back, you cannot just sit and relax."

[Un ejemplo más de cómo la tecnología aplicada al mercado laboral no reduce sino aumenta la carga de trabajo de las personas por la sencilla razón que no está pensada para mejorar la vida de los trabajadores sino para aumentar los beneficios empresariales. La IA no hará sino aumentar la velocidad de la rueda del hámster, provocando más cuadros de ansiedad, burnout e insatisfacción laboral dado que la jornada laboral no se reduce y por tanto cada vez hay que realizar más tareas en el mismo espacio de tiempo e intentar ser cada vez más competitivo mientras que los beneficios derivados del incremento de productividad no se reparten entre empleadores y empleados.

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